Thursday, 14 May 2015

Hello :)

Hey guys

I've been wanted to start a blog for a while but to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing. I've been trying to decide what kind of blog it would be, whether it be beauty, or tattoos or just the general ramblings of my mind. I'm still not completely sure to be completely honest. So why start it you may ask? 
I'm really really poorly right now, I woke up and felt like death. I'm currently sat in my living room, pjams still on, watching documentaries to try and cheer myself up. And then I had that thought in my head of 'If I don't do this now, then when will I?'
So this post is just a standard 'Hello, welcome to my blog! If you have loads of advice to give me, please do!'

Just a quick thank you as well to all my friends and the boyfriend for encouraging me to do this! :)

Thanks and Love <3



  1. Blogging is super enjoyable, just write whatever you enjoy and you'll find your direction soon enough :) Its a continuous journey of discovering and evolving anyway!
    Wishing you all the best with your journey Alex!

    x, Carina
    Running White Horses | Fashion + Travel

    1. That's so sweet, thankyou so much :3 x
