Tuesday, 26 May 2015

The paint balling incident...

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I had disappeared to the land of Cumbria as we went to Center Parcs. As a 'little gift' to Henry I paid for us to go there for a week :)

You may be wondering about the title of this post, well when we were there we decided to go paint balling, which I was so excited for, I'd never been before and everyone has said it's so much fun. Well you lot are a bunch of liars :P We arrived actually on time (which for us is ridiculously rare), then began putting our 'protection' on, fyi a boiler suit is not protection.

Then we had a 15 minute lesson on how to use the guns, which I couldn't hear as I had a stupid yet apparently during our experience a very necessary head guard on.

For someone reading this who's never played there are 3 main rules which everyone must abide by ;
1. No head shots
2. Don't shoot someone who's going to the safe zone.
and 3. No close range shooting.

Now whether I'm the unluckiest person on the planet or the other team/instructors were dickheads, ALL 3 things happen to me within the first game. I ain't a sore loser (I'm sure Lou will debate this) but it wasn't nice. I knew paint balling was going to hurt slightly but this was ridiculous. And the instructors did NOTHING.

I just wanted to have fun, I was on holiday for god sake but I'm playing a game I'd never played against a teenage who clearly thought he was in call of duty!

So long story short, we complained ;')

Sorry for the rant and negativity on the post, but I was pissed off. You know just slightly :P

When I've got round to sorting out my photos I'll do a proper post on Center Parcs and the best parts of the holiday!

Thanks and Love


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